Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I suck!

Or, well, I guess I *did* suck, and now I suck less.

Miles today: 3
Miles this week: 3
Miles Since MS Challenge Walk 2008: 17.75
Miles so far: 386.25

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Too C-c-c-cold!

Miles today: 3
Miles this week: 8
Miles Since MS Challenge Walk 2008: 14.75
Miles so far: 383.25

Monday, November 3, 2008

Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 5
Miles Since MS Challenge Walk 2008: 11.75
Miles so far: 380.25

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Miles today: 4.5
Miles this week: 6.75
Miles Since MS Challenge Walk 2008: 6.75
Miles so far: 375.25

Monday, October 27, 2008

Picking up the pieces

Miles today: 2.25
Miles this week: 2.25
Miles Since MS Challenge Walk 2008: 2.25
Miles so far: 370.75

Easing back into walking after my injury at the Challenge Walk.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Big Walk, Day 2!

Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 17.5
Miles so far: 368.5

Can you say, "Ouch!"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Big Walk!

Miles today: 12.5
Miles this week: 12.5
Miles so far: 363.5

New term for me: Posterior Tibial Tendonitis


Monday, October 6, 2008

15 miles!

Miles today: 15
Miles this week: 15
Miles so far: 351

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Miles today: 3
Miles this week: 8
Miles so far: 336

Monday, September 29, 2008

Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 333

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 328

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Miles today: 6
Miles this week: 6
Miles so far: 323

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 20
Miles so far: 317

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 15
Miles so far: 312

Fundraising is DONE!!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Miles today: 10
Miles this week: 10
Miles so far: 307

Starting to get anxious now. I'm almost done fundraising, and it's atarting to look like the walk will really happen. So I'm trying to up my miles to be sure and be ready! Yay!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 10
Miles so far: 297

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Been camping. Did some walking and hiking in Estes Park, but it doesn't count towards my totals since I'm not sure how far it was. :-(

Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 292

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 17
Miles so far: 287

The cannula disappeared about a week ago. After all my complaining about it, I was actually sad to see it was gone :-(


Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 12
Miles so far: 282


Miles today:7
Miles this week: 7
Miles so far: 277

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Miles today:5
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 270

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Miles today:5
Miles this week: 10
Miles so far: 265

That cannula is still there, just draped across the sidewalk in front of the gas station. I should probably just pick it up, but there's a certain perverse satisfaction in seeing how long it will be there. It's going on 3 weeks...

No raccoons today, but I swear I heard coyotes yipping. I wonder if we have coyotes around here?

Monday, August 11, 2008


Miles today:5
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 260

I saw four raccoons today, a whole little family.

It's been a while, between camping and Davin being out of town, I haven't been able to do my regular walks. I'm back on track now, and clear sailing (I think) until October...

Monday, July 28, 2008


The cannula is still there. I tried to go really fast today, and came in about 10 minutes faster than normal. That's not bad on 5 miles, is it? It's still sort of slow, but a faster kind of slow...

Also, I met a nice kid from the neighborhood who was out on his skateboard. He asked if we have a veterinarian. I said yes, and he said he worked for one in the area. I asked him if they could tell me the gender of my snake, and he said I'd be better off checking the internet. Oh well, that would have been too weird for words if I bumped into a service I need just while walking around, huh?

Miles today:5
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 255

Saturday, July 26, 2008

That was weird...

Well, I saw the weirdest thing out there tonight. Apparently, someone lost a nasal cannula on the side of the road, I hope they're breathing OK!

Miles today:9
Miles this week: 19
Miles so far: 250

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Oh man, we've had a streak of heat and humidity here. I don't know how people live in other parts of the world! Bah! Go away heat! Go away moisture! Leave us to dessicate in peace...

Miles today:5
Miles this week: 10
Miles so far: 241

Monday, July 21, 2008


Miles today:5
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 236

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rained out!

OK, the rain wasn't really that bad, but DANG was it humid!

Miles today:1
Miles this week: 9
Miles so far: 231

That looks so lame...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Miles today:8
Miles this week: 8
Miles so far: 230

I saw a dead fox up at the corner, and a rat running from it. I believe he'd been eating. Blech!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Miles today:4
Miles this week: 18
Miles so far: 222

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Miles today:4
Miles this week: 14
Miles so far: 218

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

10 miles!

That's 16 km for most of you outside of the USA (no, we'll never accept the metric system.)

Can you believe that? Unless I was pressed on some death march that I've completely suppressed, I've never walked anywhere near that far in my whole life.

And you know what? It totally stank! It was awful! The first 5 miles were great, but man my body was done after 6 or so. Everything after that was willpower, and I'll probably be paying for days. But, I thought I could do it and I did. Yay!

Miles today:10
Miles this week: 10
Miles so far: 214

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Darn Lack of Moleskin!

Should have used it today, too. Limped for the last mile. I need to go take my shoes and socks off and look at my toes, but the thought is grossing me out so I'm stalling for time.

I saw a fox in my neighborhood! I whistled and s/he looked at me, then skulked away. They kind of always look like they're skulking though, so I don't think it had anything to do with me. I was wearing deodorant...

I also saw 3 rabbits, running in a line down the side of the street. At first, all I saw were their shadows, and I immediately determined that it must be some freakishly fast multi-legged alien being that had risen from a sewer culvert. I think I need to consider more edifying material than the last book I read.

Miles today: 5 <---Instead of the 4 I'd planned!
Miles this week: 9
Miles so far: 204

Monday, June 30, 2008


Moleskin did the trick!

Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 4
Miles so far: 199 (Since 1/8/08)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gah, Blistersquish!

I was well on my way to doing 10 miles, when there was some sort of tragic, disgusting blister malfunction. I probably should have kept going, but I was giving myself the willies imagining what was happening to my toes with each step. Next time? Moleskin...

Miles today: 7.75
Miles this week: 15.75
Miles so far: 195 (Since 1/8/08)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 8
Miles so far: 188 (Since 1/8/08)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 4
Miles so far: 180 (Since 1/8/08)

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Miles today: 7 (new record for me!)
Miles this week: 17
Miles so far: 176 (Since 1/8/08)

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 10
Miles so far: 169 (Since 1/8/08)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Miles today: 6
Miles this week: 6
Miles so far: 165 (Since 1/8/08)

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 10
Miles so far: 159 (Since 1/8/08)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Six Miles!


Unless I've forgotten something, this is the furthest I've walked in one day, ever in my whole life. I hit the house (read: potty) after 5 miles, and Davin came out at walked the last mile with me :-) He's a honey!

Miles today: 6
Miles this week: 6
Miles so far: 155 (Since 1/8/08)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 17
Miles so far: 149.5 (Since 1/8/08)


Miles today: 3
Miles this week: 12
Miles so far: 144.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 9
Miles so far: 141.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Monday, June 2, 2008


Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 4
Miles so far: 136.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 132.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

20 Miles in a Week!

Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 20
Miles so far: 127.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Out Walkin' After Midnight...

I went to dinner and a movie with friends, so I didn't get out for a walk until about midnight. That was a bit too late, snore, but I got it done.

Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 15
Miles so far: 122.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 10
Miles so far: 117.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Monday, May 19, 2008


Miles today: 5
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 112.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 8
Miles so far: 107.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

100 Miles!

Of course, that doesn't seem like a lot when you consider how many miles my brother probably RAN while he was in Boot Camp, but I'm still excited.

Ooh, by the way, here's a photo of my brother. Isn't he handsome?

Jared at MC graduation

He's got a girlfriend, and she's very sweet, so you're just going to have to find someone else for yourself, sorry.

Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 4
Miles so far: 103.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Allllmmmooooossstttttt 100 miles!

Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 10.5
Miles so far: 99.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Darn Rain!

Turned back early AGAIN!!!!

Miles today: 1
Miles this week: 6.5
Miles so far: 95.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cold Wind!

Turned back early, brrrr!

Miles today: 1.5
Miles this week: 5.5
Miles so far: 94.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Monday, May 5, 2008


I saw another fox tonight. That's 3 times, always out on Lincoln. Neat!

I was trying to prevent myself from getting more blisters. I couldn't buy any fancy new socks today, but I did read on the internet that you could put baby powder in your shoes and socks to keep your feet dry. Either the hot spots were too far on their way to being blisters, or this was crap advice, because my feet are a mess right now. :-(

Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 4
Miles so far: 93 (Since 1/8/08)

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Don't know why, but my feet are blistery today. Pooh.

Miles today: 4
Miles this week: 9
Miles so far: 89 (Since 1/8/08)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Another Fox!

I saw another fox out tonight while I was walking. It was in the same place as last time, over on Lincoln. Neat!

Miles today: 3
Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 85 (Since 1/8/08)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Miles this week: 2
Miles so far: 82 (Since 1/8/08)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Out of the Neighborhood!

Today instead of walking my usual routes through the neighborhood, I went on a hike with my homeschool group. We did two miles at South Valley Park. It was hilly, with 200+ ft elevation gains on one part of the trail system, and 300+ on another. But, it was gorgeous, with amazing red rock formations. And, it wasn't too hot, so all in all it was a great walk!

Miles this week: 2
Miles so far: 80 (Since 1/8/08)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Miles this week: 3
Miles so far: 78 (Since 1/8/08)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Windy Night

It's creepy to walk around listenting to Stephen King in the wind. It's an audio version of Bag of Bones, and it's pretty good so far. In the dark, though, when the wind is slamming shed doors and making street signs creak, it's a little too much...

Do you suppose that boosts the cardio aspect of the walk?

Miles this week: 7
Miles so far: 75 (Since 1/8/08)

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I did 2 miles today, but I think I should also be able to count the 458 that I put in looking for costume supplies for the Excellent Adventure (the kids are dressing as Cleopatra, Susan B. Anthony, and Joan of Arc.)

Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 73 (Since 1/8/08)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The heck? It was 82 degrees yesterday, today it's snowing. I will never understand Colorado weather.

Today was supposed to be two miles, but I cut it short on account of the dang snow in my eyes!

Miles this week: 3
Miles so far: 71 (Since 1/8/08)

Monday, April 14, 2008

56 Degrees

First night I could walk without a jacket! Woohoo!!!!!

Miles this week: 2
Miles so far: 70 (Since 1/8/08)

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Truckin' along.

Miles this week: 3.5
Miles so far: 68 (Since 1/8/08)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's cold and windy,

and my back has been hurting while I'm walking. What's up with that?

Miles this week: 2
Miles so far: 66.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Not as cold today!

And, I actually spent part of my walk on the phone with my friend, Anne, and didn't die or anything! She called with a question, and we talked 15 minutes or so. That's a good sign that things are improving!

Off to the shower...

Miles this week: 6.5
Miles so far: 64.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Saturday, April 5, 2008


For being nearly 50 degrees out, it sure was cold! It would have been fine (better than fine, I was walking when it was below 20 in Jan. and Feb.) but it was really windy.

Then, just to put the ice-ing on the cake, the water from the golf course sprinklers got picked up by the wind and splattered me. I gave up, and called for a ride home (only the 2nd time ever, the first was because I was lost) and only made just over 2 miles of the 3 I had planned.

Miles this week: 5
Miles so far: 63 (Since 1/8/08)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Slow but steady

finishes the race!

Miles this week: 3
Miles so far: 61 (Since 1/8/08)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back in the Saddle!

I had a really bad bout there for a while. I had a crazy spell of diarrhea (sorry, TMI?), then a trip to Iowa for my Grandma's 85th birthday, then the Iowa Death Flu. That flu was AWFUL, I still don't think I'm over it, and it started the first week of March.

Anyway, I'm back up and walking, and trying to get back in the swing of it. I did 1.5 miles last week, and I thought it would kill me. Today I did another mile and a half, and it wasn't too bad. So, I think I'll be back up to where I was pretty quick here.

I'm also 34% of the way to my donation goal. As of today, I have raised $503! I need $1500 to participate, but I've still got over six months so I think I'll be fine.

Miles this week: 1.5
Miles so far: 59.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I'm still trying to get back on track, but this week I have had some yucky tummy bug I'm dealing with. I haven't been able to get far from the bathroom, let alone outside of my house. Things seem more stable today.

I walked on Monday and started listening to Roots, which is really a nice way to pass the time. I am hoping to get back out tonight, but it will depend on Davin's work schedule.

Miles this week: 3
Miles so far: 56.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Blah week!

I've had a fibro flare all week, and the weather and the holiday have conspired to keep me from walking. This is the longest I haven't walked since I started.

I will probably not get out tonight, either, as we're having a big dinner here (there will be 14 people!) But, I will get back to it tomorrow.

I think it's been good to take some time off. I've been really concerned that I've been overtraining. It's been hard to figure out which aches and pains are from walking, and which are just fibro stuff.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Rest Day-2 Milestones!

Today is a rest day, and I REALLY need it!

Last week I hit two milestones. I ground out 50 miles since I started walking and I did 15 miles in a week. That's how much I'll need to do in a *day* in October, TWICE, but it's still 8 months away and I feel like I'm really on track.

Yay me!

5 miles

I put some moleskin on the blisters, and pounded out 5 miles today. It took about 2 hours, that's really sloooooowwwww. I need to find books on tape or something, my tunes are getting old.

Miles this week: 15
Miles so far: 56.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Blisters? What the heck?! 3 miles

I hit the 50 mile mark! Well, it's been over a month, so it's not really that exciting, but I thought it was cool.

Even though I've been doing all this walking, I got my first blisters today. They're not bad, but at first I got a little freaked out because I didn't know what had caused them. On a "short" walk no less! (3 miles is now my short walk, it used to be that 1.5 miles was my "short" walk.)

I think I figured it out. The blisters, I mean. I had run errands earlier in the day in my walking shoes, and left them on. So, by the time I got out to walk, my feet were sweaty, which increased the friction. The stupid thing is that I thought about that before I left, and decided I didn't want to bother with going upstairs to get a fresh pair of socks, because I didn't think it would be a problem. Do you see the inherent laziness I'm up against? -rolls eyes- Well, now I know!

Miles this week: 10
Miles so far: 51.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Friday, February 8, 2008

I'm rough and tough! 4 miles

Ok, it's not that big of a deal, but I did end Thursday's walk in the snow. I'm glad I started when I did, it was a full on storm by the time I got home.

Friday is a rest day :-)

Miles this week: 7
Miles so far: 48.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

3 miles

I did 3 miles yesterday. At least, I think I did. It was 20 degrees out, which is normally fine for walking, but there was a horrible wind! So, I went to our rec center and walked on their track.

The track is 1/13 of a mile. How's that for convenient? So, I quickly lost track of where I was on the laps, and just walked for an hour.

I was really sore after that. There are a couple of reasons I've figured out why that might be. 1) It's perfectly flat, and all the walking I've done has been on hills. So, maybe my "walk straight" muscles aren't getting as much of a workout? 2) Instead of being the only person around, there were other walkers and runners. As much as I like to think that other people's actions don't affect me, I think I was walking a little faster than normal so I didn't seem like such a pathetic fat girl.

Miles this week: 3
Miles so far: 44.5 (Since 1/8/08)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Yesterday was supposed to be a 3 mile day, but I had a migraine last night and couldn't walk.

I'm loosely following the training program from the MS Challenge Walk site. I say loosely because I have nearly 2x as long to prepare as they give you, and I miss days here and there because of migraines and fibro.

I plan to walk tonight after Cub Scouts lets out.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Rest Day

Today was a rest day. Yay!

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